Saturday 16 December 2017

WELLINGTON STREET 155-175M Dunorlan Terrace

Dunorlan Terrace, in Wellington Street was built as part of an early affordable housing scheme initiated by Henry Reed, and completed after his death.

According to the Australian Heritage Places Inventory, the building is of Italianate style, described thus: “This is a group of three terrace buildings with a hipped roof and dividing parapet walls with shared chimneys. The original verandah has been removed and replaced with a concrete walkway and steel railing. The first floor windows have segmental arched heads with a rendered voussior stone. Each terrace consists of a side hall and is a single room wide and two rooms deep”.

This particular terrace was designed with the “artesan class” in mind. At the end of May 1884, The Tasmanian reported that all but the middle residences of the eventual 14 5-roomed houses had been completed and let to “respectable tenants” at a “moderate rental.” Competition was said to be fierce.

If you look at the sold properties of local real estate agents you can see what some of them look like inside today.